Friday, June 29, 2012


*gluten free

what you will need:
*makes a medium sized batch
1/2 red onion
10 cocktail tomatoes 
1/4 cup cilantro
1 jalapeno
sea salt

#1 Cut top of onion off, peel, rinse (this makes the fumes not as strong so your eyes won't water), cut in half, set other half to the side, cut remaining half into crescent shape, begin dicing the corner of the crescent and move it in a U shaped direction as you are dicing (*this is a good trick to use when dicing an onion because it is less effort), place in bowl.

#2 Dice tomatoes and place in bowl.

#3 Cut jalapeno, take out seeds (the seeds are the really spicy part), dice and place in bowl.

#4 Dice cilantro and place in bowl.
*add lime + salt to taste

#5 Stir & Enjoy

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